Cancer Root: Chronic Infections

There are many roots to your cancer, we find that cancer can arise because of immune weakness, and chronic inflammation. Chronic infections arising from a weak immune system and inflammation will reduce a cancer patient’s immune response to their disease. With a suppressed immune response, these conditions further facilitate infection and cancer by a microorganism…

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Your Bladder & Bladder Cancer

What Does Your Bladder Do? The job of the urinary system is to filter waste products from your blood and transport the waste products in the form of urine, out of your body. Your bladder is part of your urinary system. It’s a thick-walled structure, consisting of a relatively thin inner layer with a thick…

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About Head and Neck Cancers

Most head and neck cancers begin in the tissue that lines the head and neck, and they may spread into deeper tissue as the cancer grows. Other cancers that develop in the head and neck are not considered head neck cancers because the type of cancer they are, and treatment is different for eye cancer,…

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FAQ: Causes & Prevention of Cancer

What Causes Cancer and How Can I Turn Cancer “Off?” Cancer has many roots and each one of the roots has effects on specific cancer hallmarks which directly impact cancer growth characteristics. All will be addressed in our functional oncology platform: Sedentary lifestyle Inflammatory diet Environmental toxins Chronic infections Toxic emotions Phytonutrient deficiencies G.I. dysbiosis…

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About Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer begins with a malignant growth that forms in the rectum or colon. The American Cancer Society reports colorectal cancer has moved from being the fourth leading cause of cancer in men and women under the age of 52 to the first cause of cancer. Colorectal cancer is now on the rise in young…

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Estrogen & its Potential Impact on Hormone-Driven Cancers

The DUTCH test is an acronym for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones and involves collection of urine on collection strips four to five times over a 24-hour period. In addition to your standard of care oncology treatment and testing plan, the DUTCH Complete(TM) test by Precision Analytical helps minimize breast cancer risk, impact progression…

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FAQ: About Functional Oncology

A functional oncology treatment plan is based on The Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) standards of practice which is aimed at targeting the root cause of disease. The same is true for functional oncology—we are not just interested in treating symptoms or cancer as a diagnosis with a drug or radiation treatment. The whole person…

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Cancer of the Cervix

All women, regardless of age, need to be thinking about cervical cancer. In fact, a recent report on cervical cancer posted by the CDC noted the following connections between age and cervical cancer risk: About one woman out of 20 between 66 and 70 years old has never been tested An older woman who has…

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Discovering Your Root Cause Contributing to Your Cancer

Central to the practice of functional medicine with an oncology focus is an examination of the core clinical imbalances that underlie various disease conditions leading to cancers. This is initiated through obtaining a disease history and symptom timeline which includes, but is not limited to, toxin exposures, infections, traumas, past treatment plans success and failures.…

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Cancer: My Functional Medicine Perspective

I have been on a personal and passionate oncology journey after observing the effects of cancer and treatment effects on the body. My mother died from metastatic lung cancer in 2006. My dad’s brothers died from metastatic pancreatic cancer and metastatic lung cancer. My mother’s mother from metastatic breast cancer. These family members all had unhealthy lifestyles. My…

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